Sunset of Our Democracy
Sunset of Our Democracy
Original art by Todd Goodman, Acrylic Painting on 24"x48" canvas. Prints are available matted on photo paper or framed canvas. Original for sale, see below.
This painting was created during the 2016 US Presidential campaign. The title of the piece explains it all, in that I believe we are living through and witnessing the final days of American democracy, an empire in decline. Purged of any remaining sense of ethics, morals and legitimacy, the US government has been completely taken over by oligarchs and corporate interests, and specifically as depicted here, by the Wall St. banks, pharmaceutical giants, military industrial complex, fossil fuel industry, and with the rise of Trumpism and the MAGA/QANON phenomenon, the cult of personality. In a matter of months, science is no longer science, experts are quacks, absolute truth is fake news, and complete head in the sand lunacy is now truth.